generalizing an expression - beginner user needs help :)
- 10 years ago
OK, got it. Well, getting test step names i pretty simple, however you will need to supply the 0-based index of where the desired step is meaning that if you want to generalize you have to put that particular step at the same index everywhere (btw, test step name is the same as the request name). Here goes:
def testStepName = context.testCase.getTestStepAt(n).getName()where n is the 0-based index. Now you can simply use testStepName here:
def request_total = context.expand('${' + testStepName + '#response#$[n].totalCount}')Notice that since testStepName is a variable you have to concat the strings, hence the ' and the + surrounding it.
- 10 years ago
Well, SoapUI uses Groovy so that API may be useful: are also the SoapUI specific libraries:
Other than that I mostly google the problem and read a lot.