Forum Discussion

Finan's avatar
Frequent Contributor
13 years ago

feedback beta

1. Help URL for enviroments tab on project is missing
2. TestSuites / testCases have a dropdown to switch environments, individual testSteps do not have this. (like the soaprequest teststep)
It will be confusing for our users, i.e.:
A testcase is run on the tst environment
An individual testrequest is run in an attempt to reproduce and this uses the endpoint set for the specific webservice. (ont)
3. It would be nice to be able to run testSuites in debug modus.

On a positive note: I'm absolutely thrilled about the environments addition, it'll save us a lot of time.
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    thanks for this - we had a lot of discussions regarding the possibility to switch the endpoint for individual requests when an environment was selected - our worry was that if you change individual endpoints while you are in "environment mode" you would loose track of which endpoints that are actually used when going back to running the contained TestCase/TestSuite/etc..

    What do you think?

    SmartBear Software
  • globus1987's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Get Data for XQuery match and contain/not contain assertion right-click menu would be nice.
  • globus1987's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Will there be possible to select environment in pom.xml file (maven plugin)?
    It will be great to create environments with selected combinations of endpoints and jdbc connectionsa and then autostart it for example by hudson.
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    good point - yes - this will be possible when we update the maven plugins after the final release.


    SmartBear Software
  • Finan's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    I don't see much of a problem, as long as you clearly log or show which environment set or endpoint was used for a testrun.
    The current situation is more confusing to me then it would be if if I had a environment button.

  • globus1987's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Environment JDBC connection setting are used only by JDBC request.
    It would be great if it can be used by datasource jdbc too.
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    globus1987 wrote:
    Environment JDBC connection setting are used only by JDBC request.
    It would be great if it can be used by datasource jdbc too.

    It should work for both I think. Can you tell us more about this?

    /Henrik, SmartBear
  • globus1987's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Xquery match doesn't work.
    I have my old test from 4.0.1 with declaration like this

    declare function local:sortAttributes($elem as node()) as node()
    element{name($elem)} {
    for $attr in $elem/@*
    order by name($attr)
    if (ends-with(string($attr),'.0'))
    then attribute {name($attr)} {substring-before(string($attr),'.')}
    else $attr,
    for $subelem in $elem/*[name(.) != 'Attribute']
    order by $subelem/@id
    return local:sortAttributes($subelem),
    for $a in $elem/Attribute
    order by $a/@symbol
    return local:sortAttributes($a),
    if (count($elem/*) = 0)
    if (ends-with(string($elem),'.0'))
    then substring-before(string($elem), '.')
    else string($elem)
    else ()
    declare function local:changeMessage($elem as node()) as node()
    element{name($elem)} {
    for $attr in $elem/@*
    where name($attr) != 'line' and name($attr) != 'formula' and name($attr) != 'function'
    order by name($attr)
    return $attr,
    for $s in //SalesProduct
    order by $s/@brand
    return local:sortAttributes($s),
    for $m in //Message
    order by $m/@object
    return local:changeMessage($m)

    Old expected result is different from the new one but I get green light in beta.
  • globus1987's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Do you fix bugs in xml view (no search in response) and xquery match assertions?
    These things stop me and other people I knew from using beta2 version.