Failed to initialize dashboard database / Error Reading Migration File: Found 2 files that match das
I've recently upgraded to ReadyAPI 2.4. Initially, there was an issue with the Service Pack as I'm running Windows 7. I've updated to the suggested, KB3125574.
Intel Core i5-4570T CPU 2.90GHZ
8.00 GB Ram
Windows 7
It seems upon start up there is a local DB issue. I've tried clearing out the DB folder under my user path and ensuring no other ReadyAPI instances are running.
In the logs I've seen this:
2018-06-28 13:26:56,626 ERROR [DashboardDbInitializer] Failed to initialize dashboard database
liquibase.exception.ChangeLogParseException: Error Reading Migration File: Found 2 files that match dashboard-db-changelog.xml
I've searched my ReadyAPI 4.4 install directory and cannot locate a file dashboard-db-changelog.xml. Nor could I locate it anywhere on my C drive.
I've upgraded from 2.3-snapshot. I've tried going back and have the same exception!
Any thoughts?
I've got it working - I think there was a library conflict, possibly with the h2 jar file. I'm unsure, but previously I was dropping some unique libraries all at once into bin/ext and lib directories, which we use for our extended dependencies and I must have been overwriting or removing one or many that were necessary for the h2 db.
The issue is no longer a problem after I was more careful with this step and cherry-picked in the libraries we needed, only removing those which we've previously identified as conflicts with our custom