Forum Discussion

tomaszarmata's avatar
10 years ago

Extending classes in Script Library



There is a way to extend class from other file in script library?


For example I have 2 files: class1.groovy and class2.groovy. And inside class2.groovy I want to write class2 which will extend class1 from class1.groovy file.


It is possible?

  • You can do every thing in groovy that you do in Java.


    I know you may use these classes in ReadyAPI-<version>/bin/script directory

    For eg:



    class Person {
      def firstname
      def lastname
      def age



    import Person
    class Student extends Person {
       def class
       def department

    You may have both in scripts directory or you can use them in groovy step as well.


    Say, below is your groovy script test step which shows how to use above created classes.


    import Student
    import Person
    def person = new Person(firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Miller')
    def student = new Student(firstname: 'Philips', lastname: 'Mark', class: 'B.S', department: 'Mathematics')
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    You can do every thing in groovy that you do in Java.


    I know you may use these classes in ReadyAPI-<version>/bin/script directory

    For eg:



    class Person {
      def firstname
      def lastname
      def age



    import Person
    class Student extends Person {
       def class
       def department

    You may have both in scripts directory or you can use them in groovy step as well.


    Say, below is your groovy script test step which shows how to use above created classes.


    import Student
    import Person
    def person = new Person(firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Miller')
    def student = new Student(firstname: 'Philips', lastname: 'Mark', class: 'B.S', department: 'Mathematics')
    • tomaszarmata's avatar



      So all I have to do is only import first class into second class. Its all I want :)


      Thx, guys!

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        Note that, you may have consider if you have packages along with it.