Forum Discussion

thzinc's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Error with loadUI-agent on OS X

I did a clean install of loadUI agent 1.5 on Mac OS X, attempted to run the loadUI-agent.command script from Finder, and received the following error:

Last login: Thu Aug 18 11:26:16 on ttys000
/Applications/loadUI-Agent/loadUI-agent.command ; exit;
djamesml01:~ DJames$ /Applications/loadUI-Agent/loadUI-agent.command ; exit;
Launching loadUI Build: loadUI-Dist-2011-06-13-[3] 2011/06/13 20:56
There was an error loading the OSGi configuration!

It seems that the OSGi configuration that's being looked for is not in the directory that the command file was being run from. I was able to modify the command file to change directory to $LOADUI_RUNNER_HOME, then execute the java command. My patch to loadUI-agent.command is as follows:

Index: loadUI-agent.command
--- loadUI-agent.command (revision 6743)
+++ loadUI-agent.command (working copy)
@@ -36,4 +36,6 @@

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"

java $JAVA_OPTS -cp "$LOADUI_RUNNER_CLASSPATH" com.eviware.loadui.launcher.LoadUILauncher -Dloadui.instance=agent -nofx "$@"

Also, if I wanted to make contributions to the code base, how would I do that?

- Daniel
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