Forum Discussion

sanj's avatar
Super Contributor
8 years ago

Error when saving project

Has anyone else seen this?

It happened while I was trying to save the project

I will raise a ticket with support to see whats going on

Version is 2.0.2


4 Replies

  • sanj's avatar
    Super Contributor

    could not repro it when I tried to save second time so do not know how this can be solved.


    • groovyguy's avatar
      Community Hero

      While it wasn't in 2.0.2, I did see similar behavior once in 1.9.0 and as far as I could trace it to it was the bad luck of the auto-saving timer kicking off when I was trying to manually save the project. This caused the auto-save to have a lock on the files while the manual save was trying to access them. That was my best guess at least.