SOAPUI free making error saves of its project
I installed soapUI 5.5 free and after few days I saved the project by clicking on him.
I did it multiple times.
SoapUI crashed.
I tried to import the last saved project and soapUI load him only as ikon with X - badly loaded.
I tried to set-up autosaves to 0.
Same with another save, new installation.
I have now SoapUI 5.4 free like before 2 weeks.
I remember that I install ready and uninstall it before 2 weeks.
when I see XML in folder explorer it's associated with some office XML bad stuff.
I changed it to soapUI.
now I must work in remote with the licence to 30 days but need to solve it till the end of the week because I don't have much RAM on it.
restart had no effect.
My colleague has the same problem - may not import my project save.
Any clues on how to solve it?
bug found in
WS-I Settings
changed into: