6 years agoOccasional Contributor
Dynamically set JMS Properties from groovy code
Can you please tell me if there is any way to set JMS Property from groovy code?
I tried different ways to find a solution but unfortunately, nothing is working.
I can't use f...
- 6 years ago
Ok. Try to put below code in SubmitListener.beforeSubmit
import com.eviware.soapui.config.JMSPropertyConfig //Assign your data from datasource into map below - have your logic; otherwise try with fixed data def map = [a: 'one', b:'two'] if ('JMSRequestReply' == { def existingProperties = submit.request.getJMSPropertiesConfig().getJMSProperties() def newList = new ArrayList<JMSPropertyConfig>() map.each { key, value -> def jmsPropertyConfig = JMSPropertyConfig.Factory.newInstance() jmsPropertyConfig.setName(key) jmsPropertyConfig.setValue(value) newList.add(jmsPropertyConfig) } existingProperties.clear() existingProperties.addAll(newList) }