Forum Discussion

TwoFang's avatar
4 years ago

default install path for 3.8.1 is C:\Users\myUserName\AppData\Local\Programs... ????

So was kind of susprised today when i was going to upgrade readyAPI from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1 when installer suggested this as default path C:\Users\myUserName\AppData\Local\Programs\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-3.8.1 and if i changed to C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPY-3.8.1 it says "You have no write permissions for the directory"

Have you made changes to installer / paths or anything. I think i have never ever been suggested by a installer program to install to AppData\Local before.

Need to know if its you or if i should go ask our local it support

Has anyone else who have installed 3.8.1 run into similar issues?


  • It was due to an internal change where users are no longer local admins hence the change in install path



  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey TwoFang,

    Im on my phone right now, but when im back on my laptop i will upgrade to try and reproduce your issue.

    Youre right. I wouldnt expect the base install to go anywhere but the program files parent directory and certainly not in your profile. I would expect the AppData directory to be updated with the install, but the majority of files would go in the program files as stated above.

    As an aside, have you double checked the write permissions on your program files parent? Also. Were you attempting to install into a new ReadyAPI child (within the program files parent) or attempting to upgrade the existing program files/ReadyAPI directory?


    • TwoFang's avatar

      It was due to an internal change where users are no longer local admins hence the change in install path

