Forum Discussion
I have the following code:
if ( it.getClass() == com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.HttpTestRequestStep ) { reportFile.text = '''<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>html,body{margin:0;padding:0;}html{height:100%;}body{height:98%;}h1{font-size:20px;}h2{font-size:16px;}.column{float:left;border:solid gray 1px;height:90%;margin-left:4px;padding:5px;}.assertion_container{margin:4px;background-color:white;border:solid gray 1px;width:95%;padding:4px;}.assertion_details{margin-left:60px;}#content_wrapper{width:100%;height:60%;}#request{background-color:#F0F0F0;width:48%;height:100%;overflow:auto;}#response{background-color:#F0F0F0;width:48%;height:100%;overflow:auto;}#assertions_wrapper_container{background-color:#F0F0F0;float:left;margin-top:4px;margin-left:4px;padding:5px;border:solid gray 1px;height:30%;width:97%;overflow:scroll;}</style></head><body> <h1>''' + it.getName() + '''</h1><div id="content_wrapper"><div id="request" class="column"><div id="request_title"><h2>Request</h2></div><div id="request_content"><pre>''' + new String(it.getTestStep().testRequest.messageExchange.rawRequestData) + '''</pre></div></div><div id="response" class="column"><div id="response_title"><h2>Response</h2></div><div id="response_content"><pre>''' + new String(it.getTestStep().testRequest.messageExchange.rawResponseData) + '''</pre></div></div></div><div id="assertions_wrapper_container"><div id="assertions_title"><h2>Assertions</h2></div>''' if ( it.getAssertionList().size() == 0 ) { reportFile << '''<div><i>There are no assertions in this test step<i></div>''' } else { it.getAssertionList().each() { reportFile << '''<div class="assertion_container"><div class="assertion_name"''' if ( it.getStatus().toString() == "PASS" ) { reportFile << ''' style="color:green"''' } else if ( it.getStatus().toString() == "FAIL" ) { reportFile << ''' style="color:red"''' } reportFile << '''><b>''' + it.getStatus() + '''</b> - ''' + it.getName() + '''</div>''' if (it.getErrors()) reportFile << '''<div class="assertion_details"><t/><i>''' + it.getErrors()[0].getMessage() + '''</i></div>''' reportFile << '''</div>''' } } reportFile << '''</div></body></html>''' } else if ( it.getClass() == com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.DebuggableWsdlGroovyScriptTestStep ) { reportFile.text = '''<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>html,body{margin:0;padding:0;}html{height:100%;}body{height:98%;}h1{font-size:20px;}h2{font-size:16px;}#script{background-color:#F0F0F0;width:97%;height:60%;overflow:scroll;border:solid gray 1px;padding:4px}#log_container{margin-top:4px;background-color:#F0F0F0;border:solid gray 1px;width:97%;height:30%;padding:4px;}</style></head><body><h1>TestStep2 from TestCaseA from TestSuiteA</h1><div id="script">''' + '''<h2>Script content</h2><pre>''' + it.scriptText + '''</pre></div><div id="log_container"><h2>Script log</h2>The script log is not yet available @TODO</div></body></html>''' }
I am iterating through each step. If the step is of type HTTP step then the report is already done. I am trying now to do the same for Soap steps.
Hi Lucian,
I was looking at your code, and if you don't mind may I make a sugestion? Rather than handling each type of step independently, when you loop through the steps have you considered checking to see if they implement an interface and then handle that for all steps? For example I see you get the assetion details for the HttpTestRequestStep, but you could check to see if the step implements the Assertable interface and if so then process with common code regardless of type.
You can use the "in" keyword to check to to see if an object implements an interface, the following post is an example where I have done this:
- Lucian7 years agoCommunity Hero
Sorry for the late response, Radford. Your suggestion is good. This was actually my starting point.
However, either I'm missing it or there is no common interface for all type of requests. From what I can see ReadyApi uses both new methods (from the premium product) and old methods (from the free version of SoapUI) which makes it difficult for me to work with it.
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