9 years agoNew Contributor
Configuration Error When Configuring HermesJMS (in SOAPUI) For Tibco EMS
I am trying to configure a HermesJMS session on SOAPUI 5.3.0. When I try to discover quesues and topic from the provider I get errors.
I am configuring the message for a TIBCO EMS 6.3.4
my serverURL = Valid IPAddress
username = Valid
password = Valid
I have added all the approriate JAR files required and configured connection factory "com,tibco.tibjms.TibjmsConnectionFactory"
Loader " INT_EMSGroup" with property serverURL and Value tcp://ipaddress:7222 and connection with a valid username and password .
However, when I try to discover my session i get an error "java.lang.NoClassdefFoundError".
Attached are screen shots
Please any help will be desired
Attached is the hermes classpath groups