Forum Discussion

SanK's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Compare 2 JSON responses for duplicate property value

Hi, I have two JSON responses that will have dynamic nodes on each request, but same structure and properties. I need to identify if a given property has no duplicate values found in both the JSON r...
  • nmrao's avatar
    4 years ago


    - add a script assertion to both the request test steps with the below code

    - below script would check the response and makes the test fail if there are duplicate values for "ReferenceNumber" property


    Hoping this is what you need, reply back otherwise.


    def duplicateRefs = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response).ReferenceNumber.countBy{it}.findResults { it.value > 1 ? it.key : null } "${duplicateRefs.size() > 0 ? 'Duplicate reference numbers found :' + duplicateRefs : 'No duplicate reference numbers'}"
    assert [] == duplicateRefs, "Duplicate references found, ${duplicateRefs}"
  • nmrao's avatar
    4 years ago


    Here is the Groovy Script

    - Add a groovy script after the second test request step

    - Provide correct values step1, and step2 




    //Update the Request step names below
    def step1 = 'Name of the Request step1'
    def step2 = 'Name of the Request step2'
    //Closure to get the ReferenceNumber from a json of the Given test step
    def refNumbers = { step ->  new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.testCase.testSteps[step].getPropertyValue('response')).ReferenceNumber }
    def list1 =  refNumbers(step1)
    def list2 =  refNumbers(step2) "Reference Numbers for ${step1} are => ${list1}" "Reference Numbers for ${step2} are => ${list2}"
    assert list1.every { !list2.contains(it) }, 'Does not match the expected result'


