Forum Discussion

leskop's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Cloned REST interface resources

I have defined interface with some Resource path, and some parameters inside.
 Default [/service_endoint?param1=sample1&param2=sample2] containing method named e.g. "MethodA" 

I have another Resource which is cloned from previous one, but with different parameters inside
clonedDefault [/service_endoint?paramA=sampleA&paramB=sampleB] containing method named "MethodA" too

Then I've created testsuite, testcase and teststep in it. In the testsstep is defined in "Resource/Method scroll menu": Default -> MethodA.
I was in situation when I needed change "Default -> MethodA" to "clonedDefault -> MethodA".

When I run test, it pass ok using "clonedDefault -> MethodA". When I save project, everything is OK. Then I close SoapUI, start it and in mentioned teststep is "Default -> MethodA" again.

I couldn't find that resources has to have uniqe Resources path. Solution was simple - I've added additional "/" before path, so my resource looks like clonedDefault [//service_endoint?paramA=sampleA&paramB=sampleB], but it took me much time to find this behaviour.
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