Forum Discussion

QuadEarz's avatar
12 years ago

Centralised Deployment not possible with new Licensing

We have purchased new licenses for version 4.5.1 of SoapUI Pro. Unfortunately the new license format is causing many problems when dealing with centralised deployment of the software.

Now that we have seperate license files for each license i have no way to script this in the installationover 20 machines. Is it possible to get a single license file as before which allows the licensing of 20 machines?

Secondly, when implementing the new license we are asked for our older license for version 3.6.1 before it will accept the new one. I don't see anyway i can script that into the deployment. Why does it need the old license even on fresh installs of 4.5.1?

Is the only way to centrally deploy this software to include a licensing server with floating licenses and if so, can you then automate the licensing as part of the install?

Many Thanks


1 Reply

  • KaiBear's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hiya Oli,

    The main reason for giving out a separate file per user is simply to make it easier for you. Having a single file with 20 activations would cause severe problems if even one of the users had issues.
    Say that user No. 8 had problems and activated twice that would mean that someone would be without a license. The quickest solution to this problem would probably be to reset the entire license.
    Having one license per users is a much more forgiving way of completing installing.

    If the licenses you've purchased are renewal licenses they require a previous license installed, otherwise they shouldn't.
    Renewal licenses function as time-adders, ie they need something to add time to.