Forum Discussion
Hey zht2970781
you can use regex (I'm on the wrong machine right now) so I cant give you the exact name of the assertion, but there's an assertion that supports regex which would allow you to assert an attribute value is of numeric type
you can also do a script assertion using regex as well
as to your scenario of verifying both is numeric and is not null you could do something like the following in a script assertion:
def response = context.expand( '${REST Request#Response}' )
def numericAttribute = parse(response).read('$.id.numericAttribute') numericAttribute
assert (numericAttribute != null) && (numericAttribute ==~ /[0-9{3}/)
so hopefully (if I've got it right - there might be a mistake in there - I was rushing and going off memory, but hopefully it'll give you a steer) - the above assertion will parse the numericAttribute from the response (with JSONPath $.id.numericAttribute) and assert the attribute is not null and the value is made up of only 3 numbers. think you can use a \d to represent numerics here too - but I'd have to google to be sure and Im a bit pressed for time today.
hope the above helps,