Hello irinamorel,
I have to make a few assumptions on your question... I assume the testcase is stopping on an error in a test step and not just stopping for some unknown reason... A little more information from a show of logging content would help a lot. ReadyAPI does a good job at reporting errors in log.
I don't think it is a problem with ReadyAPI. Without other information to go on, is suspect it is just an item in the test case options that needs to be ticked... In the Test Case Options dialog (get there from right clicking the test case or within the test case choosing the 'gear' icon), un-tick the "Abort on Error:" option and that should allow your test case to complete without stopping when an error is encountered.
There is also a section of the ReadyAPI Preferences that controls that feature for test cases created after it is toggled. ReadyAPI Preferences | Testing | Default Test Case Options. Switching it in the preferences does not retroactively switch the item in every test case, it only affects future creation.
This item is probably what effects jjam also... If you are not the person who has only worked in the project, then other people could have toggled it when they worked on it. A department standard would help that situation.
If you want to make sure that all test cases in the project continue or stop, you can crack each of them open and adjust that option. You can build a helper script (someplace where it only runs when you manually run it) in the project that evaluates all the test cases in the suites you choose. Below is sample that would do that. Running it with slight modification would make sure you get them all without the need to manually interrogate each.
log.info 'Test Step "' + testRunner.runContext.currentStep.name + '" start...';
log.info "";
def testcaseCount = 0;
def suiteTestcaseToChangeList = ['Aircraft Maint', 'Cycle Count', 'Supplier', 'Marketing Paid', 'Collection'];
log.info it.getName();
if (it.getName() in suiteTestcaseToChangeList) {
//Switch the parameter value to 'true' if you need to enable 'Abort on Error' option
//Switch the parameter value to 'false' if you need to disable 'Abort on Error' option
log.info " Changing " + it.getName();
log.info "testcaseCount.toString()=${testcaseCount.toString()}";
log.info "";
log.info 'Test Step "' + testRunner.runContext.currentStep.name + '" done...';