Assertion to Verify Repeating Attribute has Specific Value Domain?
I was wondering if there's a way of asserting that a repeating attribute in a json response has a specific value domain - say there are the possible values of "food", "wines", "spirits", "aromatized wines"
Rao provided the following whizzy script assertion that asserts that a repeating attribute has a specific value
assert context.response, 'Request parameter is correct' def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response) assert{1== it}
//or //assert{context.expand('${REST Request#VersionNumber}').toInteger() == it}
I've been trying to play with this - but I don't know enough about the iterate and every methods
obviously I tried
assert context.response, 'Request parameter is correct'
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response)
assert{['Food', 'Wines', 'Aromatised Wines', 'Spirits'] == it}
but I knew this wasn't going to work even before I tried. Done a bit of searching google/the forum - and I'm pretty sure I can't use the it method in this way.
This time, I remembered to attach the .json response for my request. As you can see - $[data][Name] is repeated 4 times and holds the values of either 'Food', 'Wines', 'Aromatised Wines', 'Spirits'.
Can anyone advise?