Forum Discussion

nurgustianto's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Assertion for Encrypted

Hi All,


Kindly need Your help, How to implement the assertion of Encrypted, Please see the following screenshot below : 

above images are the JSON response on CardNumber field (on the yellow highlighted), how to implement the assertion on ReadyAPI on this assertion, and what type of assertion should I apply?

The criteria of assertion are, that it should pass if the character/response of CardNumber is encrypted, and it fails if the CardNumber is not encrypted.

Really appreciate Your help. 

Thank you in advance.





  • Dear All,


    Have found the solution for this, 

    I'm using the Message Content Assertion for this.

    Thank you.

1 Reply

  • Dear All,


    Have found the solution for this, 

    I'm using the Message Content Assertion for this.

    Thank you.