Hi Everyone!!!
I have requirement to create virtual API and Input data source for Data base(Postgres).
I have created the virtual API and fetching the data from data source...
In this data response am getting as sequence...Like data base has a 2 rows means..it will produce the out put one by one..
Here instead of sequence data retrieval..i want to get the particular output from the database..
Data base table has column account_nbr,name,address,street...
It has around 3000 records in table..
based on the account_nbr it will return the response..
like in the url if i passed account_nbr=99999 means it will give particular account number details...
The same way i will get the response from the table....
could you some one suggest..how can we deal this.....
Main aim is here to pass the parameter in API URL and get the data from database randomly....
Based on the account nbr it will return the rows from database....