Forum Discussion

loguHexaware's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

QAComplete JIRA connector - Challenges

Hi Smartbear support team,


I would like to get your support/answers on the below challenges that we are facing with QAComplete JIRA connector:


1 – Performance challenge

  • First time synchronisation of a JIRA project took around 9 hrs (total number of JIRAs synchronised – 2335) – Attached the log for your reference.
  • After this, I created a new JIRA and triggered the sync and it took again more than an hour to load that JIRA in QAComplete

Does it work generally like this? Can you give any average time per JIRA synchronisation for the first time? And average time from second time onwards?


2 – Error messages in logs are not very clear


[28/04/2016 3:28:23][Action: Update][QAC ID: 659, JIRA ID: 227124]: [JIRA -> QAC] '[0][0]Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.'

[28/04/2016 3:33:43][Action: Load][QAC ID: 698, JIRA ID: 229496]: Unable to synchronize an attachment with id '180416'. Filename: 'RE JIRA # PRJ00152240-42.msg'. Error message: 'Unable to add an attachment to the 'Bugs' entity with ID '698', the file name: 'RE JIRA # PRJ00152240-42.msg'. An exception was thrown: 'Error'.'.


3- Service Settings – Can we define different time intervals for different profiles?


4 – If there is an unexpected failure (network issue/ power shutdown), will the synchronisation resume from the place where it stopped?


5 – Is there a way to synchronise JIRAs based on filters (example – date filters – with this we can synchronise the JIRAs modified between the date ranges)


Version details

QAComplete (on premise)
Version: 10.2
Build: 10.2.63

QAComplete JIRA Connector
Version –


  • Hello,


    As far as I can see, you submitted support tickets for each of the mentioned challenges. Thank you for this! Please continue working with Customer Care in those tickets.

  • Hello,


    As far as I can see, you submitted support tickets for each of the mentioned challenges. Thank you for this! Please continue working with Customer Care in those tickets.