Forum Discussion

japsantos89's avatar
Regular Visitor
2 years ago

Search filter doesn't exist under Features menu

I want to search a couple of tests under feature menu, and then do a bulk change on those tests, but i don't have any option to select all the tests after my search. i need to open one by one. 

i need to update 156 tests. Do that one by one is insane.


Also i want to search all tests that has sanity test tag, and then clone all of them to another project. I need to go one by one and clone.. Why cucumber studio doesn't have the possibility to list the searched items in features area in order to apply actions?


That's a basic feature that we consider very important to have.



  • This is exactly what my team keeps complaining. It's hard to understand the logic behind being able to filter by tags when creating a test run, but for example for cloning we can't filter. Would nice to have that feature on "Feature" section, also to update other tags and what not. We've been dealing with a lot of work effort and we can't loose time going one by one or finding workarounds in our side. Maybe if not tags at least create like labels that can be filtered. Any solution for this?