4 years agoOccasional Contributor
How to select an option from selectBox
I can't select one of the options of the select box.
Actually, the select box opens when I run the test. But it doesn't select the option I want.
This is the function that I use in my stepDefinition:
fun selectGender(gender: String?): UserProfileCompletionPage {
clickOnTextFromDropdownList(selectBoxGender!!, gender!!)
return UserProfileCompletionPage()
And this is the content of clickOnTextFromDropdownList function:
fun clickOnTextFromDropdownList(list: WebElement, textToSearchFor: String) {
val tempWait: Wait<WebDriver> = WebDriverWait(DriverFactory.driver, 30)
try {
println("Successfully sent the following keys: $textToSearchFor, to the following WebElement: <$list>")
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Unable to send the following keys: $textToSearchFor, to the following WebElement: <$list>")"Unable to select the required text from the dropdown menu, Exception: " + e.message)
I'll be grateful if you guide me.
Thanks in advance.