Forum Discussion

rnuss's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

Trouble uploading files

I'm using the "Attach File" link.  Smaller files get uploaded fine, but files above a certain size (~20k) do not.  The uploading progress bar just spins forever.
  • Hannah's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Randy-

    What version of the CodeCollaborator server are you using?

    It would be useful if we could see the server logs. You can get the server logs by going to the "System" link at the bottom on the page (you might have to be an administrator to see that).

    In the "Server Backup/Debugging Dump" box at the top of the page, select the following settings:

    "Server Logs" => "Include Server Logs"

    "File Contents" => "No file content"

    "Which Data" => "System configuration only - no review data"

    Then click on the "Download Dump File" button, and email it to

    Also, have you tried uploading the files through the client using 'ccollab addfiles'? Does it work then?
  • rnuss's avatar
    New Contributor
    This was the problem:

    For some reason your "" is pointing to "E:\TEMP", and you don't appear to have an E: drive. Java is probably getting this from the value of the TEMP environment variable.

    You can override this in the "ccollab-server.vmoptions" file in the CodeCollaborator Server installation directory by adding the following line:\WRITABLE_PATH_HERE