Forum Discussion

Rache1's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago

How to Subscribe

Hello SmartBear Community!


Our Community provides information on a wide range of products and resources. To make sure that you are always informed of the latest discussions happening on the product forums, we suggest that you subscribe to forums you are interested in to get email notifications when they are updated.



Subscribe to resources

By default, you are automatically subscribed to all topics or reviews you participate in. That is, if you create or reply to a topic, you will be notified of updates unless you manually unsubscribe.


 To subscribe to a product forum:

  1. Select the product you are interested in, and then, the forum you’d like to subscribe to.

  2. Click the Options button in the top right corner of the board page and select Subscribe.


To subscribe to a topic:

  1. Open the topic you would like to subscribe to.
  2. Click the Options button in the top right corner of the topic page.
  3. Select Subscribe.


To subscribe to a label:

Labels allow filtering content within product forums. If you are interested in some specific product feature, subscribing to a corresponding label is a great way to always be in touch.


  1. Open your product forum and scroll down to the Labels component on the right of the page. 


  2. Select the Label name you would like to be notified of.
  3. Click Subscribe within the orange area above the list of topics.



  1. Open the topic with the label you would like to subscribe to.
  2. Click the label. The page with all the topics having this label will open.



  3. Click Subscribe within the orange area above the list of topics.


Note: To be able to get email notifications, you need to verify your email address. For this, open the Welcome to SmartBear Community message in your inbox and follow the link to complete your registration.

Hope this information helps you participate in SmartBear Community life more effectively!