What is gstatic.com and is it a virus at AlertSite?
Your monitoring tests may on occasion fail because of calls to the domain "gstatic.com" on the page. This domain is owned and used by Google as part of their Content Delivery Network (CDN). These calls do not appear in reports because of a virus or malware installed at the AlertSite Remote locations. These calls appear because the content delivered from the app server, to the browser at the time, tells the browser to make these calls.
You can exclude these calls from the test using a simple Plain-Text URL Exclusion in DejaClick. This works in both Chrome and Firefox. Help links below.
URL Exclusions - Chrome
URL Exclusions - Firefox
You could also add a Regular Expression that excludes ALL 3rd party calls as described at the forum post referenced below. Only calls to the main domain appear in the reports with this added.