Forum Discussion

pcalado's avatar
New Member
3 years ago

Zephyr Squad - Test issue type didn't automatically added in the projects



We installed Zephyr Squad in our environment and didn't automatically add teste issue type in te projects.


Considering that, we cannot create test cases


Best regards,

Paula Calado

  • as-addc's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I am also facing this issue; can anyone provide a solution?


    What I did notice is that we had a Test issue type already configured in JIRA before enabling the Zephyr Squad plug-in (which I later read was not correct and we should have deleted this before enabling Zephyr).

    Given where we are, I then renamed the existing Test type to "JIRA-Test" but Zephyr has not created a new "Test" issue type as claimed in the documentation and so we are also unable to create new Tests (instead I see a blue screen, just hanging).


    Any advice please?

