Forum Discussion

SuW's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Sorting Test in Cycles


We've just migrated to Cloud and I'm unable to sort Tests within Test Cycles.  Our tests in cycles have come over in a different order to what they are on Server and I need to get these re-ordered before a client comes in to witness a Factory Acceptance Test.


None of the solutions presented here are suitable because we're using components for their actual purpose and cannot use them to re-order tests.


The tests in this case would actually be in the right order if sorted by ID, but the sort by ID gives a very peculiar result.


Also the suggestion of grouping all the steps together in one test isn't going to work either as we're using the product for Factory Acceptance Testing where single tests have to be run in a specified order.  


I'm looking at 362 tests in 18 cycles that have to be reordered ASAP - and that's just for one product.  We have thousands of Tests sorted into a logical order in cycles, which bear no relation to their ID numbers as the execution order is never the order in which the tests were created. 


But if we're not able to resort our cycles, Zephyr just became unfit for purpose for us.


Any help would be gratefully received.



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