Forum Discussion

Meiikan's avatar
New Member
4 years ago

Zephyr Test Execution sorting

Is there a way to sort test cases in the test execution tab ? At the moment it sorts the test cases by alphabetical order but we would like to sort the by actual test case number.

  • Hi, Meiikan! Thank you for your question.


    I'm afraid the only automatic sorting strategy available is based on the test case name.


    There's a workaround to change the order of the test cases: in the test cycle, go to the Test Cases tab, and drag and drop the test cases within that cycle to the position you'd like to see them. Then Save. The order should be reflected in the Test Player as well.


    I understand this is not ideal as you'd have to change it manually for every test cycle. Do you mind adding a feature request in the Ideas Portal?

    Zephyr Scale Cloud Ideas

    Zephyr Scale Server/DC Ideas


    I hope you find this useful,


8 Replies

  • jfelix's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi, Meiikan! Thank you for your question.


    I'm afraid the only automatic sorting strategy available is based on the test case name.


    There's a workaround to change the order of the test cases: in the test cycle, go to the Test Cases tab, and drag and drop the test cases within that cycle to the position you'd like to see them. Then Save. The order should be reflected in the Test Player as well.


    I understand this is not ideal as you'd have to change it manually for every test cycle. Do you mind adding a feature request in the Ideas Portal?

    Zephyr Scale Cloud Ideas

    Zephyr Scale Server/DC Ideas


    I hope you find this useful,


    • Nasar's avatar

      Hi jfelix 


      Tried your suggestion of reordering the test cases in Test tab but the new order is not reflecting on the Test Cycle ðŸ˜•

      Should I simply delete the test cycle and set up new one ?


      Is the automatic order set as test case ID name ?  as in CCPCNC-T130 (1.0) ?


      I want the Order in the name of description where I have simply renamed test cases as 1/2/3 etc 


      Am I asking for reinvention of the wheel not sure and thank you for your patience ðŸ¤”

      • jfelix's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hi Nasar!

        I just tried those steps here and they worked for me. Could you please describe the steps you followed and what do you mean by the order is not being reflected in the test cycle? You mean that you change the order but when you reload the cycle it chages back?