Forum Discussion

richmo's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

With Zephyr reporting I'm unable to dig into our failure data currently.


We recently started using Zephyr scale. We are gathering the test results from our git pipelines. Output from each test is written to the "Comment" field currently. I need to be able to dig into our test failure data with Zephyr reporting but the Comment field is not available inside reporting under "Test Executions " Choose a condition. How can we resolve this?

Many thanks,


  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    If you want to use something like the Comment field for this purpose, you could instead create a multi-line custom field that will appear in the Test Executions list for filtering.  Custom fields can be created in the Configuration area (image below) and will appear in the filter list.


    Alternatively, you could post your negative test results into a Jira Issue that is linked to the test case or test step.  That would enable you to take advantage Jira Issue filtering and Zephyr Issue reporting ğŸ™‚



  • richmo's avatar
    New Contributor

    Thanks for the response MisterB! I just went ahead and created multi line text input in Configuration under Test Executions. I'm not seeing anywhere in code or elsewhere where the output gets written to the comment field however. Is this default behavior?

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Richmo.  I'm not sure how your results are getting posted to Zephyr Scale (ZS) but I'm guessing it's via an API.  I'm not familiar using the ZS API yet but I can see that both Server and Cloud versions of the ZS API have a way to get to the output in Comments and custom fields:


    Server API: /testrun/{testRunKey}/testresults

    Zephyr Scale Server API (v1) (


    Cloud API: Get Test Execution 

    Zephyr Scale for Jira Cloud API (