Forum Discussion

SahnAlbert's avatar
4 years ago

More API functions for Jira Server?



it seems the V1 API is very limited. 


We recently migrated from TestRail that had a very simple, but complete API. TestRail API 

We had an Interface in our test system where an user can create an new Testcycle by selecting Testcases folder by folder. See below:


Results were later also written directly to the test.


I find it very challenging to get implement the same functionality with the given API. V1 API  

F.e.: V1 has no access to the folder (=section in TestRail) structure.


These are the API calls I used in TestRail. Can you tell me how we can get similar data from Zephyr Scale?

  • get_sections
  • get_cases
  • get_run
  • add_run
  • get_tests
  • add_result
  • get_users (not really needed)

Also the content of the API response is important. With "get_cases" I get the knows its containing Section, "get_section" gave me its parent folder and the folder depth. Very handy.


Thank you for suggestions


  • felipe-munhoz's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hey SahnAlbert

    Was having a look at your question and from this list, these are my findings:


    1. get_sections API for folders is not available
      get_cases GET /testcase/search (each test case contains the folder path)
      get_run GET /testrun/{testRunKey}
      add_run POST /testrun
      get_tests potentially GET /testrun/search
      add_result POST /testrun/{testRunKey}/testcase/{testCaseKey}/testresult
      get_users (not really needed) available via Jira REST API


    For the folders API and other missing features, would be nice if you could submit it to Zephyr Scale ideas portal:


    I hope it's helpful!