Forum Discussion

sonya_m's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

[Inside Zephyr] Learn How Zephyr Scale is Developed from a Senior Developer

Hi Zephyr Scale Community!
We are wrapping up the Inside Zephyr event soon. This is your last chance to participate - watch the interview, answer the question under the video and win prizes. Event winners will be announced next week πŸŽ‰


Today’s Inside Zephyr interview is with Felipe Munhoz (felipe-munhoz), Senior Developer for Zephyr Scale. Get insights into the development work that's happening for Zephyr Scale, learn about the top tool features as seen by a senior dev!
After you watch the interview, join in the discussion and you could easily win a prize*!
Today's topic for discussion:

What are your favorite features of Zephyr Scale, and why?

Don't forget to subscribe to this event tag – InsideZephyr β€“ to get notified of all related posts and watch the great interviews we already posted with other Zephyr Team members! 
* Our expert group will monitor all replies under this post to determine the winners.

7 Replies

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Sonya, Felipe, 


    Nice interview, and nice to put some faces to names! πŸ˜Š


    To answer the question you set, Felipe's favourite feature is regarding the recent update to SmartBear's seamless integration of the Jira issue model into Zephyr Scale.  As for my favourite feature, there are quite a few that I could choose from but in my role of managing groups of testers, I often spend a lot of time in the Cycle homepage - it's a great place to get an overview of progress being made.  I often use the Cycle page as a dashboard and send screen prints to my stakeholders as a quick and easy way of reporting.  Plus from the Cycle page you can easily jump into Issues, the Test Player, or get more detail about the overall test execution statuses.


    Keep up the good work!


    Thanks, Andy

    • felipe-munhoz's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Hey MisterB thanks for the feedback, really valuable!


      As a developer, I can't provide any guarantees, but I hope we can get to work soon on the page where you can see an overview of a single Test Cycle.


      Would you mind sharing some ideas about this page for missing things or for improvements to the existing ones?


      Thanks for sharing, have a nice week πŸ™‚





      • MisterB's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Hi felipe-munhoz,


        Sure, I'd be happy to share some thoughts.  When you say, view details on a single Test Cycle, do you mean the pages with tabs for Details, Test Cases, Traceability, etc.?


        Thanks, Andy