Forum Discussion

AlexKuch's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

In TestRail you can easily re-run a Test Plan by click Rerun on the Test Plan, how to do this Scale?

In TestRail you can easily re-run a Test Plan by click Rerun on the Test Plan, how to do this Scale?  Basically, we could create a Test Plan template and maintain that and whenever we have a new release we'd Rerun that template Test Plan.

Is this at all possible in Zephyr Scale?  It seems like we can clone Test Cycles but that doesn't clone the folder structure and all of the cloned Test Cycles now have (clone) in the name.  It's nearly a 1 button process in TestRail.

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Unfortunately I think you're right: you have to clone the test cycles and then rename them.  It might be possible to clone the 'template' project and thus keep the structure for the new release but am not sure about that, and it might not suit your use case either.

    • AlexKuch's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you for the response.
      Closing the project itself isn't really ideal either but we can look into that.

      What would be great would be the ability to Clone from the folder structure for Test Cycles and to maintain that when cloning.  And also not adding (cloned) to the cloned Test Cycle names.

      What if we created a script to utilize the API and used that as a template for creating Test Cycles (and folder structure)?  Would that be a possible way to essentially clone a set of Test Cyles?