Forum Discussion

kking's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

clone/copy a Custom Field to another Custom Field in Test Cases

In Zephyr, within a Project, we have three Custom Fields  for Test Cases that we want to be filled with an identical list of features being tested (Custom Fields: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary). These are for tags to identify which features (the list) are being tested (Primary: the feature under test, Secondary: feature with a significant interaction with another feature, Tertiary: feature with a minor interaction with another feature). The feature list is identical for each of the three Custom Fields.

The Primary field has been completely filled out, but the other two are presently empty. I don't want to have to type all of that in again. Is there a way to clone (or copy) the Primary custom field and plug it into the Secondary field and then do the same for the Tertiary field?

While there is another question with a similar title, it doesn't appear to be what I am trying to do. It appears to be copying something from Jira into Zephyr - I want to take a list from one custom field in Zephyr and clone/copy the contents into another Custom Field in Zephyr.

8 Replies

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Thank you for the detailed post.  What I think you're asking is if it's possible to update one custom field with the detail from another at a test case level.  If that's what you want you can achieve this by using the Bulk Edit function: Copy the test you want to paste, select all relevant test cases, click on the More button, choose Bulk Edit, and paste into the custom field.


    Is that what you were looking for?

    • kking's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Perhaps. I'm new to ZS, and am not familiar with what you're saying. Allow me to restate, and perhaps we are in agreement. 

      I have a list of tags representing the features within a product. It is over 40 items long. I have already typed them in under the Primary Custom Field for people creating test cases to select from. I want the exact same list to appear under the Secondary and Tertiary Custom Fields, but would prefer not to have to type it all by hand, as I will be following the same patten for several other projects.

      From the Test Case perspective, when writing it, the author selects the single feature that the test is focusing on from the list in Primary Custom Field. If there are any other features tested in conjunction with the feature selected in Primary, they would go into Secondary Custom Field. And if a third feature was also tested interacting with the Primary, it would go in the Tertiary Custom Field. If there are no others tested in conjunction with the Primary, then the Secondary and Tertiary Custom Fields are left blank.

      The Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Custom Fields exist so we can pull all the test cases that test a specific feature in either the Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Custom Fields. This allows us to ensure when the DevTeam modifies a feature, we can run every single test that involves that feature, whether it be directly or tangentially (Primary vs Secondary/Tertiary).

      I have the Primary list for the first Project completely entered, I just don't want to type the same list twice more if it is simple to replicate the list using some kind of internal ZS mechanism. Especially since I have additional projects to enter, each of which has a unique set of features. Type once, copy twice seems better than type thrice on several different projects (recalling that each project has a unique set of features, typed once in Primary and (hopefully) cloned/copied into Secondary and Tertiary Custom Fields).

      Hopefully that will help you understand how we are using it, and what I'm trying to accomplish.

      • MisterB's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        Thanks for the extra info.  What I suggested, although a useful function you might want to check out, won't help with your scenario of copy/paste those 40 tags from one custom field into another - that's not possible.  There might be another way to achieve this without custom fields but I'd need to give it some further thought - if you're interested in a different approach that is?

  • josh42's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hi kking ,


    from the screenshot I deduce that you are on ZS Cloud?! If you were on ZS Server, there would be a way to do this using the API. On cloud this option does not exist as far as I know.




    • kking's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Josh42 - no idea, but if you think it's the Cloud one, it probably is. Wasn't familiar enough with the tool to know the difference. Sounds like manual re-entry. Not the end of the world, but it would be nice not to have to do it that way. Thanks for looking at it.