Forum Discussion

BlueAnkara's avatar
Occasional Visitor
3 years ago

How do I document authentication service?

Hi everyone. Hope you're all good. I have tried documenting my authentication service using feathers-swagger but I'm at a sort of wall. We had declared it before swagger but I've come to realise it's cause it simply wasn't being documented .




if (config.get('environment') === 'env') {
      ui: swagger.swaggerUI({ docsPath: '/docs' }),
      prefix: /api\/v\d\//,
      versionPrefix: /v\d/,
      specs: {
        info: {
          title: ''
        schemes: ['https'],
        components: {
          securitySchemes: {
            BasicAuth: {
              type: '',
            BearerAuth: {
              type: 'http',
              scheme: 'bearer',
              bearerFormat: 'JWT',
        security: {
          BearerAuth: [],
      defaults: {
        multi: ['all'],

        schemasGenerator(service, model, modelName) {
          return {

        operations: {
          // All operations require these headers, we put them as paraeters at the top with unshift like this
          // See
          all: {
            'parameters[-]': {
              name: 'Requester-Signature',
              in: 'header',
              required: true,
              description: 'Signature of the signed payload.',
              schema: {
                type: 'string',
                format: 'hex',
            'parameters[-1]': {
              name: '',
              in: '',
              required: ,
              schema: {
                type: 'string',
                format: 'hex',



 This is totally failing even after declaring it after Swagger. How can this be fixed inorder to document it? 

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