4 years agoNew Member
Bearer token not being used in OAuth 2 implicit flow
I am trying to use OAuth 2 implicit flow to authenticate. But after authenticating, a JWT token is not used in the header of requests, instead a random 32 character string is used.
I cannot verify were this is coming from.
Swagger JsDoc:
import swaggerJSDoc, { Options } from 'swagger-jsdoc'; const options: Options = { swaggerDefinition: { openapi: '3.0.3', info: { title: 'Api', version: '1.0.0', }, servers: [ { url: '/' } ], components: { securitySchemes: { Auth0: { type: 'oauth2', flows: { implicit: { authorizationUrl: '', scopes: { audience: '' } } } } } }, security: [ { "Auth0": [] } ] }, apis: ["./controllers/*"] }; const swaggerSpec = swaggerJSDoc(options); export default swaggerSpec;