403 Error when running 'Try It Out'
Hello! I'm new to Swagger and to APIs in general, and I am having trouble getting the Try It Out feature to work on a small sample API that I made on my local machine. Of course, I am running it on localhost:8080, which is probably the crux of the issue as per this thread from 2018: https://community.smartbear.com/t5/SwaggerHub/Can-I-use-localhost-as-host-in-swaggerhub/td-p/160421
The API runs perfectly fine, and I get responsive outputs in both Postman and Swagger Inspector, as depicted here:
However, when I go to run a 'Try It Out' test on that same customers-GET endpoint, for example, I am persistently greeted by either an HTTP 403 error or a TypeError: Failed to fetch:
The try-it test above was run in the standalone SwaggerUI at
and I put in the following CORS code, all as instructed in the resolution in the thread linked to above: