Forum Discussion

mads195's avatar
New Member
5 months ago

C# SDK - RestSharp issues

Recently, SB (on Swagger Hub) upgraded the RestSharp version from 105 to 110. This is great because of the vulnerabilities in the older versions of RestSharp but creates more problems.

On running build.bat (or on Linux), at the end of the process the error message "bin\RestSharp.dll" shows. This happens because in the build.bat, and *.csproj files, the file path for RestSharp.dll is incorrect:

Actual: packages\RestSharp.110.2.0\lib\net45\RestSharp.dll

Should be: packages\RestSharp.110.2.0\lib\net471\RestSharp.dll

If this is corrected, then error messages such as the following appear:

The type or namespace name 'IRestRequest' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The type or namespace name 'IRestResponse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

This happens because the c# generated code from Swagger-CodeGen still appears to use RestSharp <=106.15.

The end result, is the a C# SDK cannot be produced without modification of the generated C# code which kind of defeats the point of an SDK generator.

I'm kind of surprised that Smartbear would not test this so my hope is that we're doing something wrong, we're just not sure what!! Any help would be much appreciated!

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