Forum Discussion

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Community Manager
11 months ago

Figma embed not working

Originally posted by user PerAsperaAdAstra to the Stoplight Community on 01/05/2023 at 12:06 ET.

I am trying to comment the endpoints according to the view in which it is used, to facilitate the work between teams, but when trying to place the figma links, the iframes are not displayed correctly.

Figma URL:

Iframe Generated URL:

(1): the space of the iframe is generated but it does not show it
(2): iframe in developer tools

According to the documentation provided by figma there is an error in the query parameter, ?embed_host, since it is necessary and in the generated url it is shown blank ...I don't know, it's an error when generating the url or an error of mine

  • Skinghar (Staff) [01/06/2023 - 09:55 ET]

    Hello PerAsperaAdAstra, Stoplight currently does not support iFrames, so that could be part of your problem. I would recommend posting a feature request if this is something that you have a great use case for, our product managers will review and place in order of priority. Submit an idea by following this link -