Creating sidebar.
Originally posted by user cs to the Stoplight Community on 06/19/2023 at 04:29 ET.
Hello team,
I am trying to create a sidebar. I feel that I am missing something. My folders which are part of the "files" folder dont appear in "docs" folder. When I try to create the "toc", it doesnt show up there. Some of my files are json which are also missing.
OK I've forked your API and made one other change. The enum fix was necessary, but you hit another (different) bug in this version of the codegen.
In your "allOf" constructs, you must have the $ref item first in the array. It's a bug that is fixed in the next release, but it is a requirement to get around it. When you have the $ref first, it builds and downloads just fine.
I've sent you a request to access the fork, please feel free to copy it and update your definition, or just swap the three allOf's.
Please report back!