Webservices Connection to SQL database through SOAPUI
Hi Everyone,
I've been trying to connect SOAP web services to an SQL database but it seems like I'm missing something.
I tried two things but none seems to work.
1st attempt:
- Created the project and added the WSDL file
- At the bottom of the request "Auth tab", I enter the database username and password.
- Entered the database server IP in the endpoint field - with top of the window
With this attempt, I get the 200 OK message, but I don't seem to receive the response ( no XML response)
2nd attempt:
- Created the project and added the WSDL File
- Created a test suite and inserted a JDBC request.
- Entered the following info :
- Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
- Connection String: jdbc:mysql://"database server IP":/?user&password
Knowing that I already added the jar file correctly, & I still get an error message.
I'm new to SOAPUI, can someone please help me find the solution to this?