Forum Discussion

nanikausla's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Unexpected Element: CDATA when i m tryinng to run script using test runner

Hi All,


I tried to run my groovy script using Test runner, But i m getting the Unexpected element:CDATA.


Below is my sample code i have used


def groovyUtils = new
def response1 = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("Teststepname#Response")
// response1

def groovyUtils1 = new context )
def response2 = groovyUtils1.expand('${Teststepname#Response}')
// response2


Using response1 i m trying to parse my XML and getting the count of nodes & and their values using Getnodevalues.


Later to access the child nodes, I m using the below script


def str = response2
def xml = new XmlSlurper(false,true).parseText(str)
def addresslist=new String[serviceaddresscount]


When i do  run the script manually, I m able to get the desired response. But when i m trying to run through testrunner.bat., I m getting this error.


I tried to debug it, this is giving me as null"response2")


Tried changing to below, after verifying the comments for the same issues, posted by different erros. But still i m facing same exception


def groovyUtils2 = new
def response3 = groovyUtils2.getXmlHolder("InquireEnterpriseOrderList#ResponseAsXml") response 3


Error getting as "UnexpcetedElement: CDATA"


Kindly help me out.




  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Can you show the raw response of the above mentioned step?
  • PaulMS's avatar
    Super Contributor

    I'm not sure why testrunner.bat would show a different result. Did you save and close the project before launching TestRunner?