Troubleshooting Tip: Script fails while trying to create a file on run time in a folder
Situation: Sometimes we want to create folders on run time based on say a Test scenario name picked from an excel. And then we wish to create many logfiles or test result files into this folder. In some cases you may find that the files are not created inside the folder.
Possible root cause: Check for a space in the name (say in excel cell). If there is a space in the end, although the folder will be created but when you are trying to create a file in this folder, it will fail. Check the below code example:
// Tip : Trying to create files in folder names with spaces results in error
// Make a folder
folderPath = 'c:/testfileGroovy /' // Note the extra sapce after folder name. If you remove this, the script runs fine, else it fails.
folder = new File(folderPath)
// make a file
sRequestFile = folderPath + "testfile.txt "
def oFile = new File(sRequestFile)
// Add content to file
xmlContent = "test content"
oFile.write(xmlContent, "UTF-8")
// log file location "Backup file created: " + sRequestFile