Test Execution never finishes While executing test cases Parallel ?
trying to trying to run test cases in parallel and Test Execution never shows as finished
Here detailed Problem description:
CSV Input Data File-1: GoogleHostList.csv
CSV Input Data File-2: SearchStringsInputData.csv
Test Automation
API Automation
web Service Testing
For each ‘Host Name’ in Input data File-1 , I need to perform search operation for all search strings in input data file -2.
Note: My actiual project is different and it takes(per host and per input value) 2 mins for each set of data.
I have 50 hosts and 10 different input values need to test for each host. Then my total test time will go 50*10*2=1000 minutes;
If I can run 50 test cases in parallel, then I can complete total test in 20 mins.
If I do this search operation sequentially it may take more time and I decided to clone test case into multiple test cases(Equals to number of hosts) and then loop each test case for all given in SearchStrings csv data file-2.
For this I created SOAPUI project in the following structure:
Project Strutucre
Master test case is a template test case and this will be used replicated/cloned for number of hosts available in HostList.csv file.
Project Structure after cloning after completion
Test Case Replicator groovy script:
Reads CSV Input Data File-1: GoogleHostList.csv
Finds the Number of Hosts
Clones Master Test Case into Number of Hosts times
Updates Each Cloned Test Case Properties
Run Them in Parallel.
For example, if my CSV Input Data File-1 Contains 3 rows (3 Different Hosts Names) then
Test Case Replicator groovy script Clones the master test case into 3 Copies as below:
Then Replicator script updates the Test Case level ‘hostName’ property in all four test cases and then starts them parallel execution mode.
All three cloned test cases are running very fine.
But test SOAPUI projects is not marking as completed even after the test cases are finished.
If we look at execution status at project level, Test Progress bar hangs at 'TestCaseReplicator' Groovy step forever.
Project Level Run Status
If we look at the test progress at Test Suite level, TestCaseReplicator Groovy step progress bar reached to 100% and Marked as completed, but at project level still hangs at TestCaseReplicator Groovy step.
Test Suite Level Run Status
By design SOAPUI disables the log during the parallel execution.
Even I tried via command line option using testRunner same issue there as well.
Also this problem blocking next clean-up suite for ever.
How to solve this problem?
Anybody can give quick solution for this?
Sample project and sample input data files are attached to reproduce the issue.
I am using windows 10 Pro 64 bit Machine.
Tried on SOAPUI Open source as well as Ready API Latest Version