Forum Discussion

thatstevecena's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Store a value from XML/XPath output of a REST query in a SoapUI property for later use

I'm new to SOAP, REST, and SoapUI. I'm working to build a test case that simulates a user login & then extracts the user list from the server. My log in command is working, and I get the XML output I want:


<MGRestTokenResponse xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
   <Token>---THIS IS THE DATA I WANT---</Token>


I'm trying to get the Token value stored in a SecurityToken property inside SoapUI but nothing is working. I've tried using XmlToolBox  to get an XPath result and I've been given:







but nothing I'm trying is working.


The environment I'm working in is REST only. How do I extract values from the responses & transfer them to a property?



  • thatstevecena's avatar
    7 years ago

    After posting on StackOverflow, I finally got an answer to this. The Groovy Code I posted previously *is* one way to get the Token. However, I was more interested in getting the XML property directly in the Property Transfer step.


    To do this, I set the Source to the previous request (GetSecurityToken) and set the Property to Response, Path language XPath. Now; inside the txt field for Source I needed to palce the following:

    declare namespace ns1=''; 

    For the Target, I specify my test step properties and then the sectoken property. This causes the XML value to be transfered in a single step versus storing the entire output & using Groovy code to extract it.

  • thatstevecena's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I'm still trying to figure this out, but no matter what I Google/YouTube for I simply cannot find it. It has to be something I'm doing wrong as I can't be the only person that needs to transfer data from an XML/JSON response into a Property inside of SoapUI for later use.


    Why is this proving so challenging?

    • thatstevecena's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Ok; after *MUCH* digging, I've come up with something that is working. However, I'm not sure if this is correct as I can't tell if I'm using the tool properly. My solution was the following:

      1. Use a "Property Transfer" step in the following manner:
        1. Transfer: Xfer Token
        2. Source: GetSecurityToken, Property: ResponseAsXml, Path lang: XPath
        3. Target: Set Test Properties, Property: sectoken, Path lang: XPath
      2. Run the following Groovy code:
        def content = context.expand('${Set Test Properties#sectoken}')
        def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(content)
        def token = xml.getAt("Token")
        testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("Set Test Properties").setPropertyValue("sectoken",token.toString())

      Is this the correct way to access XML responses inside of SoapUI? Should I be doing any of this inside the Property Transfer step? This is giving me the result I'm after, but I do not know if this is the correct way to do it in SoapUI.

      • thatstevecena's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        After posting on StackOverflow, I finally got an answer to this. The Groovy Code I posted previously *is* one way to get the Token. However, I was more interested in getting the XML property directly in the Property Transfer step.


        To do this, I set the Source to the previous request (GetSecurityToken) and set the Property to Response, Path language XPath. Now; inside the txt field for Source I needed to palce the following:

        declare namespace ns1=''; 

        For the Target, I specify my test step properties and then the sectoken property. This causes the XML value to be transfered in a single step versus storing the entire output & using Groovy code to extract it.