7 years agoFrequent Visitor
Soapui-settings.xml hidden (Access Denied)
Hello everyone, sorry to bother you,
Sorry if this question has already been asked, I've checked mutliple thread but I don't find any answer to my issue.
Here is my problem :
Everytime I want to change any option in : File > Preference > Editor Settings menu, I've always the same message(screen1) : "java.io.FileNotFoundException : C:\User\XXX\soapui-settings.xml (acces denied)"
I've checked the logs :
- Fri Nov 30 10:34:09 CET 2018:ERROR:An error occurred [C:\Users\apain\soapui-settings.xml (Accès refusé)], see error log for details.
Error logs (screen2)
I'm a bit stuck here... If anyone can help it would be great...
Thanks for the read and for your help.