SoapUI project file XML format
We have a SoapUI project file in our git repository that we try to code review when changed. SoapUI has always saved it's project file without any formal XML formatting rules that I can infer from it's behavior. I've recently tried using xmllint --format before committing changes to allow for git diffs to be reasonable when changes are made to the project file, but have found some odd behavior in how SoapUI handles it's XML project file format. HTTP Request headers have some of their XML characters converted to HTML entities in the SoapUI project file:
<xml-fragment xmlns:con="">
<con:entry key="foo2" value="bar2"/>
<con:entry key="foo1" value="bar1"/>
I'm not sure why the xml-fragment tag is even necessary, but I would expect the above snippet to look more like:
<xml-fragment xmlns:con="">
<con:entry key="foo2" value="bar2"/>
<con:entry key="foo1" value="bar1"/>
And ideally, it would just contain:
<con:entry key="foo2" value="bar2"/>
<con:entry key="foo1" value="bar1"/>
But neither of the snippets I expect result in HTML request headers being set in the request. They get purged immediately on project load by SoapUI. Is the observed behavior something that can be changed with a setting, or observed by someone else due to some environment issue?