Forum Discussion

lakshmiganesh89's avatar
Occasional Visitor
2 years ago

SOAP UI 5.7.0 : : broken pipe

Dear All,


I am using the SOAP UI to test my SOAP end point which uses HTTP version 1.1 and MTOM enabled using Apache CXF framework on the server side. When I test my endpoint by sending files as MTOM attachment from SOAP UI up until 700 MB of file size, everything works fine. But when I increase the file size to more than 700 MB, I get the : broken pipe exception immediately.


I tried increasing the http connection setting  in terms of socket and maximum attachment size, nothing helps !


Any response is much appreciated. !

  • JHunt's avatar
    Community Hero

    The problem could be on the client side (SoapUI) but is more likely to be on the server side (endpoint).


    In that case, the question becomes out of scope for this forum, but it sounds like one possibility to check is whether your server is running out of memory (from

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2


    There service might not like to accept the file attachments over certain size for the security reasons or people to try to bring the service down. So, the server behaviour  might be desired.

    Please check with your team or service provider if you are hitting the max size limit.