Forum Discussion

slecault's avatar
8 years ago

REST with Request Params frm command line

I am new to the SoapUI testing... but a bit more experienced with TestComplete.


I am beginning automation which requires web service calls.


I have installed SoapUI 5.3.0 (OpenSource).  I have been able to create a Project/TestSuite/TestCase with "Request Params".

My Request Params are:

FirstName, LastName, Rx,StoreNo

They are "hardcoded" in the testcase... I am able to run that from TestComplete... but it works only for the "hard coded" record.  I am looking for a solution to call this test case with different values (FirstName=MyOtherTest...)


I have tried the  TestRunner.bat, but I did not have success "overriding" the hard coded values.

testrunner.bat -c"TestCase_CancelRenew" "c:\TC\Mobile\REST-AppMobile-4-5-soapui-project.xml"  -D"firstName=ENFANT I" -D"lastName=FAMILLE C"


They do not show up in the HTML POST


Can someone help either working via command line, or via TestComplete-SoapUI_REST ?



8 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Can you please show / specify how you are using the system arguments in the project?
    • slecault's avatar
      I had the "values" in the purple box hardcoded. I tried using Project Properties which seems to work (tested only from TestComplete so far). I did not come any documentation as to what can be put into the "Value" field, I thought at first it was only a static string. But there seems to be some magic interpreter in the process...
      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Thank you for the details.

        Just use "-P<name>=<value>" instead of what you tried with "-D". "-P" is for project property(not D).