Launching testrunner
First of all, I'm a total newbie to Soap. We use it to test online CICS transactions and we're using the free version.
I hope you can see from the attached screen capture (SC) what I'm doing at the moment. I make copies of the test scenarios and create them as Test steps (excuse me if my nomenclature is incorrect). The Test steps are those outlined in Pink in the SC, and the ones I'd like to run instead are those outlined in orange.
Now I have to say that Soap is great when it comes to createing copies/clones, REALLY simple, but I'm wondering if I NEED to. The advantage (to me) with the pink options is that I can decide to send the output to files on my C-drive and then run a program that strips out extraneous details and merges all the files into one. A simple way of creating a before/after file that I can then use something like Beyond Compare to see if I've ruined any exitsing test cases. By marking the Test Steps in the pink area, I can select Case and then Launch Testrunner and do this, something I can't do with the equivelant orange GetClaim option (somewhat hidden).
What I would like to do (unless I'm complicating things through my lack of knowledge) is to skip the cloning of the orange test cases to the pink ones and run all the orange ones, BUT ensuring the output results end up in one or more files.
Is this doable ????