JSON Property transfer passing the wrong value from RawRequest
I am using SoapUI 5.4.0. I have a REST request where one random ID is automatically generated within the request (using RandomStringUtils). Code would look like this:
This works fine. I then need to use this exact same id , in another request.
Idea is to use Property Transfer to send this id to a testSuite parameter and then in the second request I can use the parameter instead.
In Property Transfer, in the Source part i choose the first call, in Property i choose RawRequest and PathLanguage I choose JSONPath. Then I just write the parameter I want to transfer, in this case: $id
For some strange reason, whenever I transfer the parameter, a different value is passed instead of the existing parameter in the RawRequest.
I have also tried to generate this id using the currentTimeMillis:
And also having the same behavior, where the Id transferred by PropertyTransfer is not the same as the one in the RawRequest.
I have tried the same procedure using SOAP, and had no problems there, thats why I suspect this is only related to REST/JSON.
Have any of you experienced a similar situation? Any ideas to get this corrected?
Thanks in advance!